Discovering Music lessons are customised to suit you, your interests, and your skill level. You’ll learn in an environment that is warm, creative, and supportive. There’s no pressure to do something before you’re ready, although there will be lots of encouragement. But most important is that from the very first lesson we’ll be making music together.

Lessons can include:

  • a broad introduction to singing or piano (or both)
  • comprehensive introduction to singing and/or piano, including technical skills and theory
  • diving straight into note-reading and theory first
  • classical training
  • pop training
  • chords and chord progressions
  • learning all about breathing
  • songwriting
  • composing and arranging
  • or simply getting up the courage to open your mouth for that first time to sing solo

Ready to give it a try?

Piano lessons

This is for your whether you’re a complete beginner or can already play, are interested in classical piano, learning how to play chords and pop, or would like to make up your own songs.

Lessons for teenagers and adults, online or in-person in Meilen.

Singing lessons

That first time you open your mouth and sing by yourself can be terrifying, but trust me when I say you will want to keep doing it!

Lessons for older children (from age ten), teenagers, and adults, online or in-person in Meilen, Switzerland.

Musicianship skills

Musicianship lessons are a wonderful way to get started. Lessons can include an introduction to piano and singing, and are a great way to satisfy your curiosity and gain confidence. 

Lessons for older children, teenagers, and adults, online or in-person in Meilen, Switzerland.

To hear me sing and play piano, go to Kate Paine Sings

To read more about singing, piano, musicianship, and everything music, have a look at the free, weekly Discovering Music newsletter offering a creative path into the world of music, with resources, words, strategies, exercises, and encouragement.